Ms. McCauley's Guide to History

Please view these lesson plans to know what's we're doing in World History 9!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Lesson Plans
Meaghan McCauley
Week of September 25th, 2006

Monday-Friday: 48-minute classes.

1) Explain the causes and effects of the English Civil War.
2) Compare/Contrast the English and American Bill of Rights.
3) Examine which monarch most exemplifies an absolute ruler.
4) Review for test.
5) Formally assess Chapter 21.

Essential Question:
The time period from 1500-1815+ was a turning point in world history. What new ideas and accompanying major political and economic changes were characteristic of this revolutionary era?

Departmental Focus Questions:
1) How did the attitudes and actions of James I and Charles I cause the break with Parliament that led to the English Civil War?
2) What historical events led to the Glorious Revolution and the English Bill of Rights?
3) What steps did monarchs take to secure greater power?

1) Focus Question: What was one of the causes of the English Civil War?
2) Structured notes on 21.5.
3) Close Activity: Venn Diagram: British and American Bill of Rights.
1) Review Sheet for Chapter 21 Test!

1) Focus Question: Which king/queen was the best example of an absolute monarch? Why?
2) Group Poster Activity: Who is the best example of an absolute monarch?
a. Changes or Impact on:
i. Social factors
ii. Political factors
iii. Economic factors
3) Close Activity: Share Posters.
1) Review Sheet for Chapter 21 Test!

1) Review Game: Ms. McCauley Bingo!
1) Study for Chapter 21 Test.

1) Test on Chapter 21!
1) None.

1) Begin Common Assessment #1-Informal Textbook Inventory.
1) Have a great weekend!