Ms. McCauley's Guide to History

Please view these lesson plans to know what's we're doing in World History 9!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Lesson Plans
Meaghan McCauley
Week of January 20th, 2009

Wednesday-Friday: 48-minute classes.

1) Experience the democratic process on Inaugeration Day!
2) Examine the effects of imperialism in China, Japan, Latin America, and Mexico.

Essential Question:
By 1800, England had lost its American colonies and France was torn by a violent revolution. Yet, by 1900, Western Europe and the U.S. had worldwide empires, a dominance which endures to this day. What factors brought Western Europe and the U.S. to this world-power status and what were the domestic and worldwide responses to these changes?

Departmental Focus Questions:
1) What factors enabled Western nations to acquire and control overseas territories? Which of these factors were the result of internal forces in these territories? Which of these factors were the result of external factors, that is, factors from the Western nations?
2) How did those regions subjected to Western imperialism respond, as individuals, groups, and nations?

Monday: No School-Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Tuesday: Inauguration Day!
1) Presidential Fun-Facts Planned: How much do you know about the U.S. Presidents?
1) Prepare for Mid-Term Exams!

1) Group Work: Chapter 28 Packets.
1) Prepare for Mid-Term Exams!

1) Chapter 28 PowerPoint.
1) Prepare for Mid-Term Exams!

Friday, January 09, 2009

Lesson Plans
Meaghan McCauley
Week of January 12th, 2008

Monday-Thursday: 48-minute classes
Friday: Professional Day

1) Label a map of imperial countries and their colonies.
2) Summarize Chapter 27.
3) Review for Chapter 27 Test.
4) Formally assess Chapter 27.

Essential Question:
By 1800, England had lost its American colonies and France was torn by a violent revolution. Yet, by 1900, Western Europe and the United States had worldwide empires, a dominance which endures to this day. What factors brought Western Europe and the United States to this world-power status and what were the domestic and worldwide responses to these changes?

Departmental Focus Questions:
1) What were the motives of Western industrializing for establishing colonies in such different regions as Africa, the Middle East, India, and Southeast Asia?
2) What factors enabled Western nations to acquire and control overseas territories? Which of these factors was the result of internal forces in these territories? Which of these factors was the result of external factors, that is, factors from the Western nations?
3) How did these regions subjected to Western imperialism respond, as individuals, groups, and nations?

1) Focus Question: Where was one country that was controlled by another country?
Geography Activity: Map of Imperialism.
3) The Last Word: Which country has the largest empire?
1) Chapter 27 Review Sheet

1) Chapter 27 Structured Notes
Homework: 1) Chapter 27 Review Sheet.

1) Chapter 27 Review Game: Fling the Teacher!
1) Chapter 27 Review Sheet.

1) Testlet on Chapter 27.
1) Have a great long weekend!