Ms. McCauley's Guide to History

Please view these lesson plans to know what's we're doing in World History 9!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Lesson Plans
Meaghan McCauley
Week of March 23rd, 2009

Monday-Friday: 48-minute classes.

1) Introduce Unit 3-The World at War.
2) Assess the complicated nature of alliances.
3) List and examine the causes of World War I.

Essential Question:
By 1900, the impact of industrialization and imperialism had created world-wide rivalries and economic disparities among peoples and nations. Fifty years of conflict and war, economic depression, and revolution were the follow. What lessons can be drawn from the unprecedented violence and political, social, and economic upheaval that lasted through the first half of the twentieth century?

Departmental Focus Questions:
1) What were the causes, military course, and consequences of WWI?

1) Warm Up: Introduce Unit 3-The World at War.
2) KWL Chart for WWI and WWII.
3) The Last Word: Alliance Activity-Using yarn, students will represent different countries and alliances.
1) Read and Complete Section Assessment or Notes for Chapter 29, Section 1, “The Stage is Set for War.”

1) Warm Up: What was one cause of WWI?
2) Causes of WWI Wksts.
1) Read and Complete Section Assessment or Notes for Chapter 29, Section 2, “War Consumes Europe.”

1) Focus Question: Was WWI inevitable?
2) Visual Journey-The Causes of WWI.
3) The Last Word: Student Summary.
1) Read and Complete Section Assessment or Notes for Chapter 29, Section 3 “War Effects the World.”

1) Warm Up: Battle Acrostic.
2) Battle Worksheets.
3) The Last Word: How is WWI different from other wars we’ve looked at?
1) Have a great weekend!