Ms. McCauley's Guide to History

Please view these lesson plans to know what's we're doing in World History 9!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Lesson Plans
Meaghan McCauley
Week of May 26th, 2009

Monday-Friday: 48-minute class.

1) Empathize with people who lived during the Holocaust.
2) Analyze different Holocaust readings.
3) Respond to the questions raised by the film.
4) Summarize WWII.
5) Review for Chapter 32 Test.
6) Formally Assess Chapter 32.

Essential Question:
What lessons can be drawn from the unprecedented violence and the political, social, and economic upheaval that lasted through the first half of the twentieth century?

Departmental Focus Question:
How could a Western industrialized nation, steeped in modern ideals of progress and science, design and execute the brutal extermination of upward of eleven million human beings, the majority of them Jews?

Monday: No School-Memorial Day

1) Finish Schindler’s List.
1) Finish Schindler’s List Packet.
1) Socratic Seminars: “Maus” and “The Gray Zone”.
1) Read and Complete Section Assessment or Notes for Chapter 32, Section 5, “The Devastation of Europe and Japan.”

1) Chapter 32 Structured Notes.
2) The Last Word: Hand out Chapter 32 Review.
1) Chapter 32 Review (Due Monday)

1) Review Game-TBD.
1) Chapter 32 Review.
2) Study for Chapter 32 Test.
3) Have a great weekend!
