Ms. McCauley's Guide to History

Please view these lesson plans to know what's we're doing in World History 9!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Lesson Plans
Meaghan McCauley
Week of November 6, 2006

Monday-Friday: 48-minute classes

1) List the causes and effects of the French Revolution.
2) Interpret different sides of the French Revolution.
3) Recognize the impact of a hero reviving a country.
4) Summarize the steps Napoleon took to restore order to France.
5) Analyze the weaknesses of Napoleon's mistakes as emperor.
6) Define balance of power, and explain how others in Europe reacted to the French Revolution and Napoleon.

Essential Question:
The time period from 1500 to 1815+ was a turning point in world history. What new ideas and accompanying major political and economic changes were characteristic of this revolutionary era?

Departmental Focus Question:
1) What were the lasting effects of both the American and the French Revolutions?

1) Focus Question: How did the film, "A Tale of Two Cities", attempt to show different views of the French Revolution?
2) Structured Notes on Chapter 23, Sections 1 and 2.
3) Close Activity: What type of government do you think is going to end up ruling France?
1) Read and Complete the Section Assessment for Chapter 23, Section 3, "Napoleon Forges an Empire," #1-4.

1) Focus Question: How did Napoleon come to power in France?
2) PowerPoint Part I: Napoleon's Rise to Power and Accomplishments.
3) Close Activity: Why were the people of France so willing to have another monarch?
1) Read and Complete the Section Assessment for Chapter 23, Section 4, "Napoleon's Empire Collapses," #1-4.

1) Focus Question: Please name one mistake Napoleon made as ruler.
2) PowerPoint Part II: Napoleon's Three Mistakes.
3) Close Activity: Do Napoleon's mistakes overshadow his accomplishments?
1) Read and Complete the Section Assessment for Chapter 23, Section 5, "The Congress of Vienna Convenes," #1-4.

1) Focus Question: If you were a king/queen of another European country during the French Revolution, what would you think?
2) Balance of Power Activity: In groups, students react to different foreign situations and discuss possible solutions.
3) Close Activity: Why is a balance of power so important to not only Europe, but the world?
1) None.

1) Create your own review method!
1) Finish Review Sheet/Review Method.
2) Have a great weekend!