Ms. McCauley's Guide to History

Please view these lesson plans to know what's we're doing in World History 9!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Meaghan McCauley
Lesson Plans
January 8th, 2007

Monday-Thursday: 48-minute classes.
Friday: Professional Day.

1) Complete a webquest on the long-term effects of imperialism.
2) Recognize the immediate and long-term effects of imperialism.
3) Present information regarding modern countries that were once colonies.

(Classes will meet in either the library’s lab or the computer lab 017)
1) In groups, students will utlize the webquest, The Legacy of Imperialism, to create presentations regarding modern countries and how they dealt with imperialism. Groups will be responsible to complete daily checklists showing goals and accomplishments.
1) Work on presentations.

1) Annual Conference on the Legacy of Imperialism: Group Presentations and Group Evaluations.
1) Chapter 27 Review Sheet.
2) Have a great long weekend!