Ms. McCauley's Guide to History

Please view these lesson plans to know what's we're doing in World History 9!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Lesson Plans
Meaghan McCauley
Week of October 14th, 2008

Monday-Friday: 48-minute classes

1) Analyze the necessity, effects, and worth of revolution as a means of inducing change.
2) Tune into personal views relating to violence and revolution.
3) Analyze the causes of the French Revolution.

Essential Question:
The time period 1500-1815+ was a turning point in world history. What new ideas and accompanying major political and economic changes were characteristic of this revolutionary era?

Departmental Focus Question:
1) What were the lasting effects of both the American and French Revolutions?

Monday: NO SCHOOL!

1) Warm Up: Revolution Concept and Definition Maps.
2) Revolutionary Music: Beatles’ Revolution #9 and Rage Against the Machine.
3) The Last Word: What song do you think you’ll pick?
1) Revolution Song and Collage.

Wednesday and Thursday:
1) Warm Up: Revolution Songs.
2) Record Company Presentations.
3) The Last Word: Which songs should be on our album?
1) Read and Complete Section Assessment for Chapter 23, Section 1, “Revolution Threatens the French King”, #1-4.

1) Focus Question: What drives people to rebel?
2) Word Splash: What words/images does the word “revolution” bring to mind?
3) Begin French Revolution Worksheets.
1) Finish your Technology Interview Project (DUE MONDAY).
2) Have a great weekend!