Ms. McCauley's Guide to History

Please view these lesson plans to know what's we're doing in World History 9!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Meaghan McCauley
Lesson Plans
Week of February 26th, 2007

Monday-Friday: 48-minute classes

1) Analyze problems in Africa such as the AIDS epidemic, civil war, and genocide.
2) Examine how different people react to adversity; how heroism can come from unexpected places.
3) Respond to the film Hotel Rwanda.
4) Recognize how modern Africa is still impacted by imperialism.

Essential Question:
By 1800, England had lost its American colonies and France was torn by a violent revolution. Yet, by 1900, Western Europe and the U.S. had worldwide empires, a dominance which endures to this day. What factors brought Western Europe and the U.S. to this world power status and what were the domestic and worldwide responses to these changes?

1) Warm Up: Please tell us one thing you know about Rwanda or Sudan.
2) Presentation: Genocide in Africa.
3) Introduce the film Hotel Rwanda and the accompanying assignment.
4) Close Activity: STAND presentation.
1) Read handout on Rwanda.

1) Watch Hotel Rwanda.
1) Work on your film assignment.

1) Warm Up: What was your opinion of the film?
2) Class Discussion: Genocide in Africa.
3) Film Assignments Due.
1) Chapter 30 and 34 Review Sheet.
2) Have a great weekend!