Ms. McCauley's Guide to History

Please view these lesson plans to know what's we're doing in World History 9!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Meaghan McCauley
Lesson Plans
Week of October 22nd, 2007th, 2008
Monday-Friday: 48-minute classes.

1) Summarize the factors leading up to the French revolution.
2) Examine and analyze the political spectrum.
3) Define: conservative, liberal, radical.
4) List the causes and results of the Reign of Terror.
5) Create a synopsis of “A Tale of Two Cities”.
6) Watch the film “A Tale of Two Cities” and analyze its reaction to the French Revolution.
7) Develop paragraphs that formulate opinions about the film, the novel, and the war itself.

Essential Question:
The time period from 1500-1815+ was a turning point in world history. What new ideas and accompanying major political, social, and economic changes were characteristic of this revolutionary era?

Departmental Focus Questions:
1) What were the lasting impacts of both the American and French Revolution?
2) What political reforms resulted from the French Revolution?

1) Finish French Revolution Worksheets.
1) Read and Complete Section Assessment for Chapter 23, Section 2, “Revolution Brings Reform and Terror”, #1-4.

1) Warm Up: Political Quiz.
2) Class Discussion: Are you a liberal or a conservative?
3) Introducing the Political Spectrum:
a. General Political Parties.
b. Groups from the French Revolution.
c. Personal Examples.
1) None.

1) Focus Question: What caused the Reign of Terror?
2) Reign of Terror Worksheets.
3) The Last Word: Introducing “A Tale of Two Cities”.
1) Read “A Tale of Two Cities” Excerpt and answer Question #1.

1) Focus Question: How does Dickens compare/contrast the nobles and the peasants?
2) Introduction to “A Tale of Two Cities”.
3) The Last Word: Hand out Literary/Film Analysis Questions for “A Tale of Two Cities”.
1) None.

1) Begin video: “A Tale of Two Cities”.
1) Work on Literary/Film Analysis Questions.
2) Have a great weekend!